nostalgia virus

Posted 9 months, 10 days ago by catisland much as i hate the site i can't say i don't miss it. lots of artists and mutuals i've since lost contact with on there Plus i have to admit i liked going through my notifs and gawk at drama from afar.. i remember i had folders (or whatever they were called) that i kept noteworthy notifications in (specifically journals and deviations i liked) and i was devastated when they were completely wiped and removed after the site overhaul LOL. i liked doing those corny journal meme/game things too i'm glad that spirit sorta lives on here.. not as common as it was on dA though :/ nowadays i mainly just use it for storage and looking at old user submissions sometimes i feel like using it again but in hindsight it's a chapter i've since finished and i have moved onto better things. also i have enough problems with dA as is. i wanted to ramble about it for a bit though as it's been occupying my mind lately

feeling: wistful
drinking: pepsi


I was aware deviantart had existed, however, I was a mobile kid and never got the luxury of enjoying what it was like on desktop. Looking back on old deviantart archived profiles brings me back to happier times, genuinely that place was so fun even if I didn't necessarily join in on it. 

when i was 11-12 i commed someone for Litearly only 100 points. 100 points for a whole scene art and it was litearlly so gorgeous i was so happy i thikn i hopped around and i thought about it for days i was so proud of myself for saving points to comm someone cuz that was my first comm too. top ten happiest moments of my life

i once got 100 points for a custom comm and i thought i was a business genius like it was a stepping stone into glory

I wodulve thought wow youre rich 100 points to me meant So much . considering i sold adopts for like idk 10 max ... unless it was those gacha stuff then i could sell for more for those awesome rares! turning kids into gamblers 🔥

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Sigh. It was so good. Yet so bad I miss it 

So real. Sounds like a grandpa saying "back in my day" but you genuinely can't get the Experience tm of deviantart anywhere online anymore LMAO

you really can't.. not even on the actual site itself anymore i feel like the overhaul really divided the community + removed some core aspects of dA itself

FR even though da was clowned on a lot you rlly have to admit that it was a huge loss for the art community as a whole, everything feels scattered now


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by "occupying my mind" i meant i spent the past 10 minutes deleting every embarrassing journal i've posted from 2016. Same thing though