Mid-Autumn Festival!

Posted 1 year, 8 days ago by AW0005


“Welcome one and all to Digiterra and the MidAutumn Festival!” Maple, the organizer, yells over the crowd as she leads them through the gate and into the festivities.

“MidAutumn has always been a time for appreciating our wonderful moon and it’s phases,” she gestures up, where, despite the sun still in the sky, the pale outline of the moon can still be seen, “and we are blessed this year with experiencing the full moon! Why do we cherish the moon so, you may ask?”, with this she leans in close to the crowd and lowers her voice conspiratorially.

“The story has been passed down that the moon is a gift from our Creator, it’s phases a mark of their world, that we only get to experience over 8 years, so each MidAutumn we celebrate the current phase of the moon!” She stands up straight again with a twinkle in her eye, “Of course it’s not just a gift! It is said that the gentle and ingenious Creator lives up on the moon and watches over us all. Once in a while they visit us - in the form of a BNNUY02 - and grants gifts such as my Moon Phase eyes” She points at her eyes as they flicker through the phases, “allowing us to admire the phases of the moon at any time of the year in ourselves and in some of our brethren!”

Maple smiles as she turns and continues forward, with everyone enraptured. “Of course they also like to say that the sun is then a gift, not to us directly, but to the Creator - from a ferocious passionate woman who supported the creator’s projects and gave the sun to sustain us, but who must continue to admire the Creator from afar.” She sighs wistfully and then gestures around, “Well with that we’re here!” Behind her a myriad of tents are setup, as well as the large racetrack where pahffles can already be seen kicking up dust, “I hope you all enjoy your stay!”


Moon Phase Pupils

A new seasonal trait, it gives your AW0005 animated pupils that flicker through all 8 phases of the moon!

Obtainable by prompt, or in the new seasonal traits shop!

Nab one for yourself now!

Pahffle Racing!

Brought back from last year, we have a bot game in the discord where you can race your (or NPC) pahffles and get loot crates rewarded on the site!

Join in the Fun!


Additional Activities:

  • Multiple prompts available on the site with varying awards!
  • Special NPC activities released soon!
  • Adopt Batch released on the 16th
  • Item and MYO Giveaways throughout the event in the discord

Join us in the Discord


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