school update

Posted 9 months, 7 days ago by honeyfinnz

remember my bulletin about school? yeah lol it’s currently kicking my ass :”] every day this week i have so much homework to do plus a football game on friday which means ill be getting home So Late cuz band. and all this stuff is due on friday at midnight at the latest which… i’ll be getting home at like 11 probably but bcz of band practice i don’t have much time after school on normal days anyways so i am just grasping for all the time i can get to get my stuff done

praying that not every week is like this as school goes on. i am Trying My Best man 😭😭 definitely gonna be super inactive if this keeps up. im doing my very best to draw fun stuff for myself and get owed art done whenever i can squeeze it in, mostly weekends/days off 

also fun side note: every single one of my classes are across campus from each other and my school has the largest campus in the county 🥰 our passing periods are 4 minutes long!!


good luck clem!! i'm sure stuff will slow down after football season but ;;