+ Discord Nitro comms! [CLOSED] +

Posted 8 months, 23 days ago by rainfalls

(copy-pasted from DeviantArt cause it's late and I'm lazy lol)

Finally feeling ready to take some new comms, so I'll start with doing some in exchange for discord nitro!! (Should be opening normal ones fairly soon too if you're more interested in that!)

  • NOT FCFS & only taking 1 slot (aka only 1 customer) though depending on what you're ordering you can get multiple drawings.
  • Taking all types of commissions
  • All comms will be reduced by $10 per piece from my usual commission prices so, for example: if 1 icon is normally $30, in exchange for nitro I'll only ask you to pay for 2 months ($20) & if you want 2 icons (normally $60) for nitro you will only have to pay for 4 months ($40) etc. etc.
  • You can comment your offer on this post & I will choose in a few hours, tomorrow morning at the latest!
  • Please only offer after going through my T.O.S!
  • And finally, please don't just say "I'm interested", specify what exactly you'd want & with what characters in your comment if you can!

The nitro will be sent through gifts through discord dm's!

That should be all! ^^ No pings since this is smaller/quicker thing-

This is also on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Hi yes I have never done nitro comms but I shall figure it out if you pick my lad

I offer [them] for a painted icon, artistic freedom but feel free to ask for any specifics or design questions if you pick my comm <3

sadly didn't pick you this time but if you're still interested later, I'd love to do your request as a normal commission when I open those too :'))

no worries you get the big bucks!!! I'm excited to see how leaf's comm comes out rahhh
and yes anytime you are open for a comm I'd love to buy from ya, just ping me or even msg me on disc if that's easier for you! :D

ahhh thanks and ofc!! 

I'll add the full pinglist to the next commission opening but I might advertise it in the server as well if y'all would be interested in that, for sure! ^^


I know the server would defo be interested in your comms whenever you decide to reopen, but no pressure on anything! I shall wait patiently for your next opening whenever you're ready :D


I'd absolutely love a fullbody scene of Leaf (feral) like in an autumn forest? (can't find a form so idk what other details to include aaaaa)

Oooh ofc!! Fullbody scenes are pretty expensive tho (would still be around $70+ even with this offer) so are you sure you'd be down?

and as for other details, you can talk about expressions / moods / other stuff I should know about the design/personality/backstory of the character etc.

yes. take my whole paycheck pls.

For the other detailsss, something like a cheerful, peaceful mood/atmosphere? Day time too for the scene! (That’s all i can think of so feel free to take artistic liberties)

ALRIGHT THEN- I think I've got an idea of what to do for this!! would place it at 90 normally so for this, is $80/8 months good?

If so just dm me on discord to send the gifts!! You should already have my tag but just in case you don't, it's rqinfalls! ^^

Alr I’ll send it now! :3

actually nvm!