Posted 8 months, 30 days ago by PHAZEPSA2

LINK // Phaze/Aka response to the PSA


Link to original PSA 

Extra Note


Couldn't say it better than this comment: 

You are completely deflecting and not acknowledging the whole grooming / nsfw you sent to minors. You have not even MENTIONED it in the docs, and it honestly feels like you are using your trauma as an excuse. Please leave this site. You are not a victim. Especially if you can say you are moving forward while your victims, which includes me, are stuck with staying behind.

The one writing this right now, I was not mentioned at all in the docs since I was one of the minors sent graphic nsfw by them. Along with many others. 

Please do not harass any of those mentioned in the docs as they are all victims as well. With some being minors too. The fact you name-dropped a lot of people is off-putting and very weird!  
Hello, this is a different person typing this. right now im way too tired to deal with this and thus ill keep this short.
First things first, Miles is not a pedo. He has done alot of things to alot of people but hes not a pedo, people calling him one didn't read the docs.
Second, as entertaining as it is. I would refrain from posting uncivil comments on the bulletin.
I will comment more on this later, just making sure things dont get out of hand and reminding others to be civil.


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