General Update

Posted 7 months, 20 days ago by MamuEmu

Hello everyone, not sure who will all see this but I wanted to check in. I have been not doing much with the characters I have on here currently. I have been focusing more and more on my fursona as well as just...gaming and doing things offsite.

I'll admit I have been feeling discouraged by a good amount of things lately. Job has been sucking more and more as of late, doing any kind or personal art is more rare these days, and my social battery is just drained and never able to recharge.

I've sold off a ton of character over these last few years, and I feel bad the only posts I make here are just for reselling. I have lost a lot of passion for this community and it sucks. I still have a MYO I need to finish up, but after that I don't know what I should do anymore. 

Not really sure where I am going with all of this other than I guess I am attempting to reconnect here and maybe try to find advice on how to push myself out of this slump. Everyone keeps telling me "the inspiration will hit". I can tell you that it has hit, but the motivation to plug in my tablet is gone. 

So I guess I will ask too...would it be worth it to invest in a new tablet? I just need something that will make it more comfortable to draw. And not just constantly sketch.

That's all I really have here. Hope you are all staying safe and sane ❤️


Art slumps especially when you’re not doing well mentally really sucks! Honestly one thing that helped me was getting an iPad. Being able to jot down art ideas, or work on commissions wherever I go and slowly chip away at things has been nice! It’s definitely not the cute all, but it’s helped me in a lot of small ways. I’m not sure if it would work for you, but it’s an option to consider :)

Thank you, and I appreciate it! It's just frustrating that working full time and trying to handle a lot of things has taken its toll over the years. It makes me mad because I have the ideas brimming in my head but just no time or energy to do it all like I used to ><

Part of why I want to go for an iPad is mainly because I'd like to have options to work on art while not at my desktop all of the time. I actually enjoy sketching while in bed or relaxing more often than ever and it would allow me to actually continue on projects if I just don't want to sit at my desk at the moment. I'm watching out for deals when I can! I plan to get one within the next year or so just so then I can finally have something again that's not attached to my PC permanently like with my current situation.

hugs - solidarity ; _ ; i struggle with depression and just left a horrible job just recently - it makes art motivation so rough

In my opinion it's definitely worth to invest in a tablet that's comfortable for you and makes you excited to use it. Would you like any recommendations? I just got a new tablet that I really love using 

^_^ Much love dear! I am always cheering for you!

Oh goodness I am glad you got out of that situation though! Getting out of any kind of bad situation is tough but will help you much more in the end before you know it.

I do have a few tablets in mind I am keeping an eye out for right now. I'm mostly eyeing out for something like an iPad so I can have options for both a portable option and allow it to plug into my computer. I currently use a Cintiq Hybrid I got back in 2015 that I used for the same purpose. I'll admit the OS for it is no longer up to date (they stopped updates for it altogether) so I use it as just a stand alone tablet. I would like to hear about other options if at all possible!

Thank you as well! ❤️ I feel bad after looking back how I wrote my stuff here it came out more as probably whining or complaining which I feel bad about doing ;w; but I am going to be pushing to try and get into something. It just sucks when you do a lot more surviving these days than thriving days is really part of that reasoning. 

Don't feel bad! I don't think it's whining or complaining. You just don't want to feel alone and that's totally ok. <333

A couple of screen tablets that I have are Huion and XP-Pen brands - I really like these for more affordable options. I know ipad and wacom can be very pricy!

-Huion Inspiroy 2 Small (this also comes in Medium and Large)
-Huion HS611

With Screen:
-XP-Pen Artist 12 2nd gen
-Huion Kamvas 12

I appreciate it thank you <333 and yeah it's mostly just wanting to air out my frustrations ;-; 

And I'll check these ones out! The X-pen and the Huion were ones I actually was eyeing because of the Wacom prices being too high for me these days. But I've also wanted to get an iPad because it would allow me to have hybrid options more. But I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for deals when I can, since I'd like to get something within the next year or so.