The Return of Lulara

Posted 9 months, 19 hours ago by Celest

Our Return

Work has resumed on this species world! You can expect a lot of activity front-loaded here while we get everything set up anew, but after that, we intend for this to be a rather chill species world. There will be activities, but they will be lowkey and sporadic. (If you're interested in a more involved experience, I encourage you to check out my primary CS project, Enchiron.)

We encourage you to join (or rejoin) the discord to stay up to date on updates and reconnect with this community. The discord has been spruced up, and we'd love to have you.

Opening the Species

We are now an open species! There is no longer a masterlist. Feel free to create all the trixxies and cowlmites your heart desires. That said, item-based traits (wings, capsules, etc) are still restricted, so stick to what's on the trait sheet!

Very few of you have MYO slots, but if you do, feel free to drop me a line in DMs or comments, and I can compensate you in items. 

The ToS has been updated to reflect both this new status and the change in ownership.

New Lore

We have all new Lore! Lore is, of course, optional, but we hope it inspires you. Trixxies are now interdimensional door guardians, and cowlmites are magitech assistants to Novians! Both reside in this new world of Lulara. The trait sheets for trixxies and cowlmites have been updated to reflect the new lore.

What's Next

We still need to update the front page of the world, then the plan is to whip up some adopts and do a relaunch. During this relaunch event, you'll be able to complete the basic launch tasks (make a bulletin, tag some folks) and earn yourself any item of your choice.

After that, every so often, we'll release self-guided quests you can complete to earn special traits, or prompts to help develop your character and earn little trinkets or badges.

We encourage suggestions for future special traits.


If you would like to make adopts for us to advertise during launch--paid or for free--please let us know! We'd be happy to have and promote anything our lovely community makes.


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