Ref sheet news

Posted 9 months, 1 day ago by Creeper_Kart

Hey it's been awhile since I used Toyhouse. I wanted to make my "return" by talking about my ref sheets.

I will admit that those are so old. They still work, but they're rather old. I've updated the ages of all of my ocs outside of those ref sheets, and I have already commissioned an artist friend of mine to make new ref sheets. The progress is going to be slow for those ref sheets, but I can inform you all about their new ages here:

  • Creeper Kart is now 22 instead of 20
  • Emma is now 21 instead of 19
  • Neptom is now 825 instead of 823
    • Note: he's 5 in his species, and people consider that he's 30 due to "how he looks"
  • Stacy is now 19 instead of 17
  • Harold is now 23 instead 21
  • H.E.A.T.H.'s age doesn't change due to him being a robot :P
  • Cocoa is now 19 instead of 17
  • Evelyn doesn't really have a known age (though if you're curious, she is sometimes told by others that she looks 20 or 21, maybe even 22)
  • Marine is now 20 instead of 18
    • In mermaid years, Marine is 30
  • Shelby is now 28 instead of 26

If there's anything that anyone else would like me to talk about, don't be afraid to ask me below.


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