Selling some OCs!

Posted 7 months, 7 days ago by TornTethers

You can check them out below:

I'm open to haggling to some extent! 


are they still open?

I would love to buy, do you take paypal?

For sure! 

If you could send the payment to [email protected] as services and put your username in the comment, I'll go ahead and send the character transfer once I receive payment! 

Sure, but do the price change? Since it's $20 now ?

Sorry I accidentally wrote 20 but it's 30 :0 is that still alright with you?

Sure no problem! It just confused me for a sec! haha!

Payment sent!

May I purchase this little guy?


If you could send the payment to [email protected] as services and put your username in the comment, I'll go ahead and send the character transfer once I receive payment! 
