
Posted 8 months, 24 days ago by vinsmoke

stolen from sheb who stole it from chaos

What is your name? esther

What's your age? pee

Gender?   girrl

What country do you live in? ur moms house

Summer or Winter? winter winter winter winter

How many languages do you know? only english and a bit of russian

Have any tattoos? How many? nope

Have any pets? How many? cat named stinky

Ever been to another country? no

Favorite beverage? Milk

Favorite Food? Apple pie

Do you prefer books, movies, or video games? games tied with tv shows

Do you have any favorite books/movies/games? Baldurs gate 3, one piece, the grey garden, and wadanohara & the great blue sea

Ever been in a physical fight? nop

What do you want to do when you're older? kms jk i wanna work for the coast guard

Favorite fictional character? guy in my pfp (not naming him unless someone really want to know) and vinsmoke sanji

Have you ever broken a bone or had surgery? Noo

Favorite genre(s) of music? literally anything lol rn im liking the grey garden ost but i also like john k samson

Favorite song(s)? vs ivlis (best song ever)


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