Posted 8 months, 4 days ago by fandaniel

IRL has really got in the way (in good reason) and I am currently going through both a house move and a job change. I’m still working at my old job but I have limited access to internet, so my time is severely limited from now until mid October.

I am extremely delayed on all my requests, but will endeavour to get as much as I can done BEFORE November once the move is complete as this is what’s taking up the majority of my time right now, and causing me the most stress.

A breakdown of dates:

6th October- Last day at current job

7th-8th October- Moving

9th October- Start new job

If you are waiting on a commission, this will be prioritised and done first. I will message clients individually when I can. If you are waiting on my part of a trade, these will be done after commissions.

As always, you can use trello to check the progress/status of your art:

if you are not happy to wait, please please let me know.

Thanks everyone!


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