hi guys im geting desperate................................................. pleaifng emoij


hi i was wonderingl., i need help with buying something from booth.pm annndd since all the prices are in yen and its a japanese website you have to do a bunch of other stuff to be able to order from it, like i coullldd do this?? but im really scared of using my card for anything even though its 100% safe 😭  so i was wondering if someone would be able to like??? buy it for me and then i pay you the same amount of money u spent LOL 

 id really lvoe if someone could help  id love you forever..... als oi can draw u tons of art + the moneyyyy

begging on my knees

its 35 dollars btw........ but shipping might be more so ,maybe liek 40 LOL 

im praying

pls advertise if you think someone could help me w this (i will draw u a little sketch/colored sketch if u advertise :3c)

umm message me here or discord (roronoazorosbra) pls and i can show u what im tryna buy n stuff

if u helped this would make my entire year. my life even...


Hear me out!!! what if you bought like a visa with however much you’d have to pay for it and buy it with that?
idk lol that’s how I buy stuff off of sketchy websites (Ik you said it’s not but still) 👍

UMM maybe... idk how to do that though LOL 

just go to like a grocery store or pharmacy corner store like Walgreens or cvs and get a giftcard with the right amount (or you can add a custom amount at tha register) you might n need cash to buy it tho, I don’t think I’ve bought one with a card cuz they’re mean 

it’s basically just temporary card (unless you get a realoadable one) so you’d just have to put in the same type of info (but diff #’s obv) card number/expo. date/cvv

omg wait im gonna definitelky try that then if nobody wants to hlep me w this LOL 

ill probably put like. 40 dollars extra on the card though because i think shipping might be a ton idk

I wanna help but I can’t XD 

can I has 40 dolaar pls I’m dieyng of cancar 


ok bbg u hcan have 40 dolar 🥺😊😊😊

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