Personal problem

Posted 8 months, 2 days ago by just_spam

I get so unreasonably angry and upset at a specific fucking color (colors that resemble from FF0049 to FF0096) 

I hate it

So much

Someone take this stupid trigger away from me I don’t want it 

It’s bc of an ex friend that wasn’t very caring of me

Also it hurts to see some arts theyve made

Esp cuz most of them r from their obsessions and weird fetishes or from very trades because they want my shit and don’t know how to get shit themself 

I just

Need to get over it

I’m tired of being ass hurt over it 

Pleeeease just let me move ooooon 😭 stupid fucking feelings and memories


I understand that. i had the same issue with even the thoughts of Kingdom Hearts game and transformers. I was abused and betrayed by a family of friends I had once considered family. And they were super into things like that. However, once you forgive them, you yourself can move on too. But just because you forgive, does not mean you have to let them into your life or reconnect for them to to ruin things again.


I tell myself I’ve forgiven them but… it still hurts :( I’m trying to heal but it’s taking a long time

It does hurt. And takes time. But the feelings don’t last forever. *hugs*