The ideas they demand

Posted 8 months, 20 days ago by PK_Skeletons

I'm gonna go on a ramble bear with me

OKAY. I've had this idea for a while now but NOW I REALLY want to start working on it. I really want to write about Christian's entire life from start to finish. I want it to be like this grand novel about extremely conflicted characters in which no one is able to seek salvation in the end. It will be starring Christian (obviously,) along with Porpoi and Dakota (who does not yet have a proper bio.) It'll be this tragedy in which the readers will feel genuine sorrow whenever something major happens towards each characters and how they cannot stand going on with how just incredibly horrible they have it in their lives. I really want it to be like, 2k+ pages, but maybe somewhere along the lines of 700 is more reasonable. It depends on how descriptive I want to be. I want to really get into the nitty-gritty though and flesh out each character to the point where they can be like real people you meet everyday. My end goal is to make people rethink their morals and change who they are as human beings, reconsider what they believe in and what the difference between good and bad is. I am going to write an epic and no one can stop me.

Except for the fact that I would need to change Christian's full name because he shares the same name as the male protagonist of 50 Shades of Grey.


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