Posted 8 months, 7 days ago by Br3eb


2 Votes Sucks
0 Votes Mediocre
2 Votes Amazing

HELLLOOOOO, how is everyone, long time no see. Starting to get back on track with like, life and everything help. Although i do have a bit less time since i took up so much extra-curricular activities for this year and Monday is my only freeday  i leave at 5pm every other day😭😭  also I've found out how weak my immune system is and i may have a joint disorder💀 uhhh

BUTTT Owed art is going good!! Goal is to finish them all before like the 30th because i have important tests soon :] !


AAA WB!!! Pls dont exhaust urself take a break whenever u need!

TYY I'll try my best😓🥲