feb 2023 raffle update for the winners!

Posted 7 months, 19 days ago by danky

hello! i want to apologize for not being able to complete the prizes in a timely manner, a lot of stuff happened including me and my mom being evicted bc of not being able to pay rent, several hospitalizations, and now currently having a full time job! also my skills have decayed a bit, and i no longer have access to the program i was using to animate the art. >_<

i didn't wanna just act like the raffle never happened cause that would be very dishonest of me, but i also don't think i'll be able to make the art any time soon due to my circumstances >_<
therefore, to the people i still owe a prize to, please contact me via pm and i will gift you a game or gift card or something like that (as long as it can be sent digitally) as a replacement prize for the art you were supposed to recieve! i hope that this is an alright compromise :)

im pinging the 3 people im pretty sure didnt recieve their prize, but if i missed you please let me know! none of you pressured me or even asked when it was coming which was very kind and patient of you :) but i want to make this right because it's been weighing on my mind so please dm me when you can!! ^_^

DinkyDoll Tsunami102 - second place prizes
mysthalery - first place prize

original raffle i am referring to: https://toyhou.se/19842535.art-raffle-closed-


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