Fish Icons

Posted 6 months, 26 days ago by skiddyghost

I don't know if anyone who follows me on here is interested in this kind of thing, but I made a bunch of phone/desktop icons with a fish/sea  theme and I'm so so proud of them so I'm sharing them everywhere! 

Looook  at them I think they're so cool!!! If you want them for yourself you  can get them for free/pwyw on my kofi (no pressure to pwyw its rly only  if u rly like them and want to tip). 

(also if you want the matching wallpapers pm me, I didn't include them bcs they feature my ocs and figured that's not of interest to most folks but I don't mind sharing if you like them)



update it works now that i'm on my laptop lol


aaaa thanks!! :^D

(wonder why it was broken before? I never use TH anywhere besides my laptop so it didn't even occur to me to check)

The pic is broken for me ;0;