hi everyone

so uh

i know times are tough for everyone, but i need help

my dog - my boy, my best friend, the light of my life - is sick. he has a heart murmur and needs an ECG so we can see just how severe it is and if he needs to be placed on medication

problem is, this shit is expensive. SO EXPENSIVE. they want almost SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS??? and i am... very broke right now. i have like a dollar to my name atm. and even when i get paid, it's not going to be enough with bills and such factored in.

so... once again, any non forever homed characters are UFS. i'll accept pretty much anything at this point. only catch is you'll need to pay thru the gofundme link because it's the best way to keep track of my finances

i will also do pwyw traditional sketch comms if you want art in return. i've had digital art block for a long while but i've still been sketching traditionally just fine so i'm more than willing to do so if needed.

however if you'd like to simply donate, the link is included below... pls ignore my legal name

gofundme link

gofundme link

gofundme link

thank you all in advance for anything you can do


im so sorry to hear that i hope you get the money you need! ill help out by trying to sell characters too and advertise!

you are so sweet thank you)):

im so sorry :( i know how hard it is to see a pet you love go through something like this </3
i shared and if u see danielle on there thats me!! wishing u and bear the best <3

thank you SO SO MUCH i saw your donation like immediately because i'm refreshing the page like obsessively lmao...

this rly means the world to me and i'm so thankful for your help

here is a bear photo for u
