Man, this week has been rough

Posted 11 months, 6 days ago by PK_Skeletons

This week has been one hell of a ride for me. My school is basically on full security mode as we are getting a lot of shooting threats and have been fir the last few days. Like, everyone hates each other in that school right now. Can't even go outside anymore for lunch, and that sucks. Like a fifth of the school population ditched yesterday as everyone was saying we were to get shot up. Crazy shit, man. Bloody America. Personally I am fine, just that this whole thing is leaving everyone irritated, me included

I just want this week to be done with. I'll be responding to RP forums tomorrow, working on a character bio, and probably drinking an energy drink (If you have recommendations please tell me. The only one I don't drink is Celsius.) I'm just going to plow through school and be saved by the weekend


God its awful how bad things are getting. I'm glad you're okay, don't rush urself with responding to anything. You're well-being is much more important than rps

Thank you for the kind words. It really is insane how bad it is getting here. Crime rates are growing very high and I can't express how I feel besides saying "Ugh." I just hope things will get better soon. Once again, thank you for your kindness <3