this is not an attack im genuinely asking about why people like "hoarding" a lot of bought characters (especially concerning closed species ones)

i don't get the enjoyment in it, i personally find it hard to get invested in an adopt

again im asking people with a lot of bought adopt not people having loads of ocs they made themselves, in this case it would've been a silly question from me

so i like asking to see people to get their perspective on that activity!


i guess its similar to collecting rocks... like its something that looks nice and its Yours, yknow? not that i buy designs just for the sake of having them, i do want to actually draw the designs, i just get frequent art block and/or forget HJGSJGHD

collecting rocks... thats quite silly i love that

We're a system so that always complicates things. Some alters like having their own characters and fursonas separate from shared characters and fursonas. We all get pretty attached to designs as well and love to look at them as if they were books on a bookshelf. Generally in the past we had a lot of personal items taken from us so it's nice to be able to dictate if we want to own a character anymore. Another aspect is being able to monetarily support an artist or friend makes us feel nice, or just doing trades since we love those too. We also love doing math and making detailed plans for routine and having hundreds of characters makes that endless. Even if we don't have the time to draw all of them each day we love each and every one of our characters, they hold a special place in ourselves.

It's like if a hydra saw a dragon with a cave hoard and thought "Ohh that looks like fun."

for me personally, i can never seem to connect to my own designs?? i only ever like drawing things for other people/that other people have made and i kinda found a cheat code for it by buying/trading for designs made by others instead of trying to design my own. i can actually get connected to those and finally actually feel like drawing them lmao. i don't know why i can never get connected to designs i make but 🤷‍♀️ th helped with that and finally gave me some sillies i have the motivation to love.

i wouldn't say i hoard a ton of characters (at least active ones anyway) but i literally cannot for the LIFE of me design anything that i myself actually like. and honestly even then it's pretty scarce so when i DO find a character i connect to i'm willing to put in a lotta work/money to get them. i didn't really understand why people put money into character designs either until i'd been using toyhouse for a few months and it was like a switch flipped. i also just tend to like having a handful of at least a few good quality characters to trade on hand just in case i DO run into a design i really end up wanting.

i can't speak on the closed species one though lmao. never understood that one either. while there are a few species i generally kind of like, i would never dump a ton of money into it like some people do (i'm not judging here by any means, just stating i don't really understand it). to each their own though ofc.

i tend to go through phases of drawing specific types of characters/themes + i dont like drawing for people without getting paid So i like having guys that suit my drawing needs on hand :) its also like a case of like. playing toys. i have a bunch of guys that dont really have a set Plot/Story but have personalities and dynamics i can knock against each other . and sometimes i just like having a colorful animal that makes me smile... :)

I enjoy having alot of characters because its fun to develop them and draw them and use them for roleplays i am not into closed species at all except for this one species but its mostly because the artist my fav and i enjoy all the traits and lore of the species and constantly buy customs to support the artist and to also have new characters to develop n have fun with  

thats really cool!
