Hi all, update

Posted 7 months, 12 days ago by PoshDino

Hi all i have a lot of things going on right now so you can skip this or skip to the end because i do have something important i wish to mention 

Hi again guys, its good to well, see you again. I am really sorry for my lack of appearance, art and just in general responses. If you have been waiting for me to respond to your comments or dms i will do so now.

I, first and foremost, have been absolutely consumed by baldurs gate lmfao but it is unhealthy and i am trying to stop now. 

Second, ive properly finished school. This has bren extremely rough for me. I am relatively quiet about what goes on for me at school publicly but. I am and have been bullied so extremely that i now am quiet lonely. But other than that, now that i have finished, my grandparents have been bullying me, berating me and treating me poorly because i do not yet have a job.

It sounds pathetic but i have been trying to get a job for 3 years to no luck. I have nothing currently. I have been applying to everything i can possibly to no avail. Because of my joblessness my nan has threatened me and i was on the verge of being kicked out. They currently refuse to speak to me or spend time with me.

On top of this all i have been formally diagnosed wirh ADHD, MDD and BPD. The latter of the 3 being something that has caused me a lot of pain.

To say all of this is quite hard and i really hope for just... some compassion. I am struggling a lot with depression and other things. I haven't been eating well and i have been sleeping too much.

I do want to say that if i owe you art i will get to it. Any commissions or YCHs or anything will be put on priority. Anything. I really need some money so when i post my commissions and adopts and that could you all please share them. It is greatly appreciated. I am so sorry for being away for nearly a month. I wish all of you the best. Thank you


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