I'm in some pretty tough times right now so I'm selling some characters over on Ko-fi and selling some $5 doodles. i'd greatly appreciate you taking a look, maybe adopt one of these kiddos
I'm also taking commissions for everything else separately, please don't hesitate to ask about this.

If you want to hear more about my situation I'll write it here.
For the past year I've been unsuccessful in finding a job for myself and that has caused my saved funds to dwindle and now i'm scrambling to be able to pay my bills. I am disabled (several chronic pain issues, autism, severe anxiety, adhd ) and cannot work physically and online jobs have been hard to find.
Right now my roommate and i have been pushing our art to make rent and stuff but we are still short for some other bills and food. This has all definitely been very stressful and depressing, but we are both trying hard to find something we can do consistently, we just need a little help to get us stable.
I really do hate that i have to ask people for help like this but i don't know what else to do, i can't fall back on family, the only one that would help is passed away anyway, and friends have done what they can.


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