commissions/design sales update

Posted 6 months, 29 days ago by sundena

hi hi so i just wanted to give a quick update real quick regarding the delay on some of my owed art -- this year has been incredibly chaotic for me, but i promise my online presence will not be so sparse for much longer if things continue going well !!

between the multitude of health crises and moving across my country, ive been pretty frantic. things were going well until they suddenly werent and ive found myself wrapped up in having to uproot myself all over again and move for the second time this year to an entirely different city, so between the business and the stress ive not had the time to properly tackle what commissions i still owe or draw any designs for sale for that matter. im totally drained BUT !!!!!! on the bright side i will hopefully find the time soon once i am situated sometime next weekend. i look forward to being able to work again and will hopefully be back to posting as soon as possible!

thank you for your continued patience and understanding ;v;   i apologize profusely for the delay and absence both


Hope your move goes smoothly and that you settle in easily + healthily in your new home!

thank you so much \o/ i appreciate the kindness !!