I'm starting very late

Posted 7 months, 27 days ago by PK_Skeletons

I'm finally realizing how late I'm starting on this Halloween project of mine. Trying to draw all my characters in costume is hard, but thankfully doable. But since I know all of three pieces of media it is much harder than it should be. I started working on some and I've got two characters done now. Given, now it is 12:30 at night and my neck is hurting, I should probably stop for now. I'll get back on my grind tomorrow. I'm going to try to get one done in the morning, then get some done after I do everything I'm supposed to do tomorrow (Gonna go buy some popcorn and then go to home depot yaay!! I genuinely love home depot but that is a bulletin for another day.) Here is a sneak peak with Lukas and Dakota



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