It's been a month since the raffle and I'm incredibly sorry to all the winners that I haven't been able to provide any finished versions yet! TT 

College has been kicking my ass, I really did not expect these projects to take up so much time.....OTL The next project for this class is childrens book design so I'll literally be so swamped to hell wagh! I've lost most of my motivation to draw besides for sketching my ocs to keep my sanity and just finishing my remaining queue of comms. I really am sorry it's taking so long but I really do hope I'll be able to try and finish everything by next month 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏coping so hard rn

I've also been learning how to make low poly models in blender! I think it's going ok but learning how to out colors and such is a bit hard to follow lol! Currently making a model so I can use it for the project I have currently in that class!

Hope everyone has a lovely day and a happy Halloween!! o7

Also if anyone wants to add me on Reverse 1999 my id is 400557027



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