Hey there! Most of you probably know about this already considering I basically spammed it in yall's notification boxes a few days ago, but I figured I'd make a bulletin about it too just in case!

These ocs are definitely up for trade, and these ones I'm taking offers but but am more hesitant.

Willing to haggle on the listed prices for most of these guys btw, especially if you're kind enough to buy multiple at once ^_^


https://toyhou.se/14141230.red-string-of-fate-redstring- < this is one of my fave designs youve ever made and ive been wanting to get it for like evar but ive never had the money to pay the listed price </3 

idk if its clear enough w how i have it set up but the $61 is the worth w how much art it has, $10 is what im asking for currently for the price ^_^ hope that helps lol
and tysm !! im so glad u like the design waaaaa ;W;

OHH . i can do that!! (<i would love to pay the full $60 though. but alas; i have to pay to DO LAUNDRY here so funds arent ideal. LOL)

no worries lol, ill set up a paypal invoice and pm it to ya real quick! tysm :'D