raffle winners + next raffle

Posted 7 months, 12 days ago by cirsiumthistle

next raffle?

3 Votes character raffle (anthro)
1 Votes character raffle (feral)
1 Votes character raffle (pony)
3 Votes art raffle
3 Votes custom raffle
7 Votes art/custom raffle

raffle winners are numbers 107 (SLF) and 8 (SirRayPierre)

raffle winners can either respond to the bulletin or message me about their prize! please include the details of what style option and what character they'd like done, plus any preference on expression, background, ect.

and poll for the next raffle in december! let me know if there's certain themes or species or anything you'd like to see!!


AAH WOW TYSM!!! I’m so excited what the heck :’0

I would love one in style two of Etsu here!💚💚

you can expect your art sometime in the next 1-3 weeks^^

Thank you so much!!💖

just wanted to check if there's anything you'd like edited before I send it over ^^


Omg she’s perfect, thank you so much!!!