What a day!

Posted 7 months, 3 days ago by FairyPoisonXx

Hey guys!

Sorry raffle results got delayed for a day, nothing better to start the 1st of the month than police storming in your house because your deceivingly sweet housemate turned out to be a criminal😭

 I wish I was joking, but I'm serious lol 

Got my dose of Halloween scares for this year for sure!

Took the whole day to sort things out but everything is peace and rainbows now so no worries.

Raffle results will be coming shortly today~

Will also reply to dms etc.

 Live laugh love living in a big city in sometimes xD 


Oh gosh - talk about frightening!!! QAQ I'm glad you're okay! Take it easy for these next few days though. QAQ/

Right! At 8 in the morning too when I was still sleeping 😭 I looked like the caveman spongebob meme haha thank you so much I've been taking lots of rest today <3

That sounds crazy I’m super glad you’re ok! 😭

Thank you! Yeah that was an interesting experience lol 

Glad you're okay!

Yep all good now, thank you^^

WHAT they sounds insane T_T Im glad youre safe though??? 

Thank you<3 I am safe and my housemate wasn't a murderer or anything scary like that thank god, just a scammer of some sort lmao Cops breaking in traumatized me more than anything else that came out of this situation honestly