
Posted 7 months, 1 day ago by just_spam


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2 Votes No

Is it wrong to see a very basic/average oc and say “hey I can make somethin like that” and make something similar (but not the exact same)? Like usually it’s for something where I like some specific aspect of the character, like a pattern or the colors or the species or the idea (like a glass creature with something inside, or a person with a cool sweater) where the character seems super easy to make and not insanely original 

Is this bad? It’s not heavy inspiration by any means, and it’s not design theft, they don’t own that aspect I’m inspired from 


its perfectly fine. no one owns colors, patterns, names, species (lest its a closed species but even then it has to do more about the species details then just the form). as long as your not exactly copying a character (character theft) it should be fine.

 in the real world. many many many things look almost exactly alike. like people asking me about where i work at a pizza place.. ive never worked at a pizza place! i just literally have a look alike and im sorry i cant call that woman out for impersonation and identity theft LOL

Ty :) 

Also doppelgänger lel

i think it’s fine