Design TOS

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by labratory

What you can do with my designs: 

  • You’re free to even resell, trade, gift the design
  • All together, buyer gets permission to: change markings, colors, species, anything whatever suits their fancy!
  • Give credit when due, buyer welcomed to include their credit for minor changes
  • I do not mind edits on the original artwork of my design

What you can't do with my designs:

  • Don’t claim the original design as yours. You’re free to credit edits you’ve made.
  • You are welcomed to sell the design for more than you paid if you put money down (commissioned artwork)
  • Try not to duplicate or copy designs I have made. Be inspired instead!
  • Designs of mine traded can be gifted/traded but not sold/profited off 
  • Create hateful or offensive content

All sells are final, you're allowed to resell the design for the same price you bought it as. By owning one of my designs, you agree to these terms. which are subject to change. If you need me to edit permissions on a design, don't hesitate to reach out! Generally speaking, if you are in some kind of financial trouble, I allow people to sell the design more for what they purchased it. 


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