Soooo… well I’m in a dumb little situation in regards of this artist, and frankly it’s quite stupid…

TLDR: I bought a adopt ~6 months ago and I haven’t gotten the finished product. I asked about it 3 times now and I been waiting for a colored piece. I understand that this artist is busy and deal with memory and chronic pain/issues, but frankly, Maws has been posting multiple adopts and hasn’t been able to finish the current queue.

If YOU can’t finish the current queue, don’t put more stress on yourself and make your customers mad and/or stressed out. I bought this design for $190 and it’s not even colored or anything. I’m upset and angry, but I’m also disappointed and frustrated with the fact that I been waiting while Maws been pushing out 10-20 adopts out in a month’s time.

Maws, if you see this, please have more respect for your community and don’t overdo your queue, as you clearly (in the past and CURRENTLY) can’t handle the stress. I’m sorry if I sound rude or anything, but you probably could understand… or don’t, that’s OK too.

Also, if I don’t get the refund in a month’s time, I’ll take this up to PayPal and ask for a chargeback. I don’t want to this, but you’ll leave me no choice.

UPDATE: Claim has been made on Nov. 21st, Maws has until Dec. 11th.


Damn, this sucks. I hope you get that refund/chargeback.

Thank you and I hope so too!

Im so proud of you for coming forward about this, hopefully maws refunds you soon. If not ill be here to back you up <3

Thank you comrade… Honestly this shit can definitely put stress on you even if you ignore it for a bit…