
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by da-vinky

Hi, just a TOS for my designs.

My designs are meant for all that either enjoy or use them.

I am fine with designs being changed to fit your suiting, you may alter the design you receive as much as you like, just credit me for their old design.

You may color pick, reference (not heavily referenced or you'll be blocked and blacklisted), and copy the pose used as color, pose and style theft doesn't exist.

Tracing results in a INSTANT blacklist and will NOT be lifted if tracing continues.

Do not sell the oc for more than they're currently worth/what you got them for UNLESS you get commissioned work for them.

If blacklisted/greylisted please do not ask when you will be unlisted, it depends on your change and growth.

Besides all that, enjoy!

Current blacklist:
Fernreef - Toxic behavior, scamming

Person is in debt of $300+ from scamming, buying and doing commissions that they haven't done, telling people to die/saying "I'll kill you" when specified the person receiving such messages was uncomfortable. For more info look at @/Fern_beware on Instagram.


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