I'll be working on things soon!

Posted 5 months, 22 days ago by fridgefeet

In my last bulletin I spoke to not knowing what to do on this site given most my energy is devoted to maintaining my website, but I've come to the decision that my account here will be a sort of "mirror" of some of my work there.
I like the idea of this site (even if I haven't found my footing here) so ideally with more use I'll find my footing finally.

So anyways, here's the upcoming things I'm going to be working on:

  • Port Yorkie's page from my site to here
    (Her page is already up on my site. Before porting it here, I might plus up some of the wording... I got anxiety brand analysis paralysis about sharing it, so I decided to just bite the bullet and make it public without proof-reading it over as much as I typically do, since in the moment any proof-reading was tipping into unhelpful analysis paralysis. [Speaking of, I'll be working on it on my own like I said, but if any of you happen to check it out and find a typo or something that sounds off, I'd appreciate if you let me know!])
  • Finish Bolton's page on my site, and then port it over here also.
    (Bolton's page has taken longer to finish, to my own surprise, it turns out there's more to say about her for whatever reason!)
  • Share the short story featuring Bolton & Yorkie that I posted on my site, onto here.
    (I mentioned the story in my last bulletin also, and I'd like to share it here... because honestly, why not!)
  • Make pages for the members in Bolton's band: Titty Pimple
    (Part of why Bolton's page is taking longer is because I got sidetracked by making portraits for the Titty Pimple band page [it's planned to be a singular page on my site, but will be multiple here since that's how the format works].)
Needless to say, there's other things I'd like to do on this account (update any other character pages that need changes, and make pages for Yorkie's brothers) but that's all further out! What I've listed above is the stuff that (ideally) will happen very very soon.

Thanks for reading, I hope you're all well!


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