Selling some charas!

Posted 5 months, 12 days ago by koidrop

hello! i've not been able to be the most active lately due to real life stuff, but I hope to get back to drawing a bit more soon _(:°з」∠)_

in the meantime, i figured i would post some OCs im open to reselling to help pay for something ;v; 9x nicooo designs- each have a separate profile, will transfer them all. $450 total packimp; $150 obo packimp; $200 obo

[21+ only!] 

[21+ only!]tentatively other characters/items on my succubun account, feel free to offer on anything!

+anyone here (nicooo designs)

DMs preferred but comments are ok too! ^^ ty for lookin!


hii what’s the highest offer u have on raven and germ >_<? if any! 

hi! i dont think i have one for raven atm, for germ 200! though id prefer a min of 300 for them^^

how much are u lf min for raven?

Preferably $350+!

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Hiya! their full worth is 450 but i think the lowest i'd be willing to accept is 300 or so, though i'd be fine with a payment plan! feel free to lmk if you're interested! ^.^

i could offer $250 for trick w payment plan ? if its okay to dm about it 

of course, feel free to dm!^^

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hi there! what are chicle and kaitoz worths?

chicles is 400, kaito is 150!

gotcha gotcha thanks so much for the response! i hope that youre able to get the funds you need!

heya !!!! How much wld u take for cardium :3?

hiya! ah they're no longer available, apologies! /o/

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none at the moment!

Hi!! I'm very interested in Raven, Trick, and Cardium! If you're interested in selling any I don't mind DMing about it ^^

hiya! sure thing, feel free to DM if you'd like to discuss it- i'm open to selling them! ^^

idk if ur looking to sell them but i really like this bun!

how much would u be looking for (if u are selling them) ? :3

hiya! i'm rather tentative about selling them since i'm pretty attached to em, but i would consider for maybe offers of $200 or above?(sorry its a bit high! TT i would just prefer to sell other charas if possible!) c:

I'd be interested for $200 ^w^

hi! im interested in raven and kaito.. how much are you lookin for them :3

hiya! preferably as close to the values in their trade logs as possible but im open to any offers on raven, & i'm a bit tent on kaito! c:

Could I get the 9x nico design if still available! 

yes, for sure! i can send you an invoice, feel free to reply with or dm your paypal email c:

how much are u looking for chicle :3

they're worth $400 and I traded that amount in value for them, so ideally that much! c:

id be interested in kaito if youre able to sell!

gotcha! i'm a bit tent on them so depending on what other charas i sell, i will def consider c:

yaya, understandable!! good luck with sales :D