This will stay open until they are all gone, lol.

I am looking to trade away most of my one-off characters in my toyhouse for art!

I do not use one-offs very often any more but back in 2018-2021-ish I was a huge character hoarder, I just grabbed every cool friend I possibly could, and, lo and behold, they are all still sitting unused in my toyhouse. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ

I do still enjoy these designs but I have little to no attachment to them. So I would love to trade them for art of my characters that I do use if anyone is interested!

๐Ÿ‘‡Please only offer on characters in this folder and the attached sub folders!!! ๐Ÿ‘‡

Main folder includes characters from a wide variety of designers!
Fan character folder includes Homestuck, Mha, Steven Universe, and more!

Art offers only!

No character swaps or customs. No Currency of any kind.

Not picky about style or medium!

Mainly looking for art of my griffolk or humanoid characters but I also have some anthro characters you can draw instead if you don't want to draw griffolk or humans. (I do not have animal/feral ocs for you to draw, I apologize,)

Not tentative on any but might be a bit selective with some depending on how much/what I initially payed for them.

Character will not be transferred to you until you have completed the art (Unless we have traded before, in which case I can transfer after wips). I will list it as pending to you and put it in the pending folder!

You can have as long as you'd like to finish the art but I am trying to get them off my profile as fast as possible so please be reasonable. xD

Feel free to comment here, on the character, or dm me if interested!

You may also reach out on Discord if preferred, my username there is CityDandelion !

Thank you for taking a look! ๐Ÿ’–


Hi! I am interested in this character here!

I am able to do pixel/page dolls and chibis!

Art references:

hello,i'd love to offer art for this cutie

i have a thread with art offers,samples and queue:

thank you either way!

Grrr I'm sleep deprived and I am eyeing your beans like a hungy beast >:( /pos

Any idea how much art you'd pawsibly want for these: Oliver; Aloe; Silas ?

You can look at my art tab for art examples; Stuff with a background is most likely a GIF.
Sorry I don't know their worths at all so IDK what to offer (and I'm real tired). Thank you~

Haha thank you very much for your interest! :D
I sorry to say that I don't have a specific answer as to what I would be looking for but I am really not picky! ^^
I am not too sure of their worths either, I received Aloe in a trade and the other two are so old, but I really don't need much to let go of them!
This whole this is just a big clearout so I'm up for letting them go for pretty much any amount, it is up to you!

Alrighty! I had to recharge for a while TBH lol, apologies for the late reply.
There's an art type I've been doing a lot of which is blinking/GIF icons, if those interest you? I price them at 30-40 EUR each and I'd gladly do 3 for these (1 for each).

Couple notes for these: Gradients are not recommended for GIFs as they will render in bands of color rather than blended hues. This includes LEDs/lights, bioluminescence, ombrรฉs, etc. Long hair may be cut off due to it being an icon. Shorter hairstyles or permission to style the hair in up-dos is recommended. They will always have a background color (CSP doesn't allow transparency) and I will give you PNGs of the open/closed eyes frames if you'd like them.

Alternatively if you're not into icons, I can maybe do half-body cheebs like this instead - or feel free to browse my gallery for other art types and we can talk about it!

I apologize for the delayed response! I would trade the three of them for three of your blinky icons if you are still up for it! :D I would be interested in getting one each of these characters, if that would be alright?

No worries on response time. I 100% don't mind the wait since I myself am slowed (cold is doing a number on me ngl)

I'm very much still interested and these characters are awesome! Just let me know if you're okay with a bit of a wait, I currently am working mostly on my secondary queue which is where you'll be, but there's a few trades to do before yours. You can check progress here anytime and it shouldn't take so long to get to you. 2 months at the very max in case I get sick. Other than that I'm all good!

Sounds good, thank you very much! :DD

I am definitely okay with waiting, no rush at all! ^^

I have marked the three of them as pending for you! ๐Ÿ’–

1 Replies