Question for the animators out there

Posted 7 months, 2 days ago by Rivendell_

How do you animate along side audio? Thinking about doing some fandom stuff and animations with bunny on tiktok but I was wondering how you guys line up your animation with audio

I use fire alpaca and Photoshop for animation, I have access to all of the Adobe apps


I use procreate for the animation and capcut for adding the audio, so I import a video (that uses the audio) into procreate and animate it to that :,]

hoping I can find a different way to do it w/out having to use flipaclip

after effects will let you edit photos to audio! i dont use it for personal projects, but i've been learning how to use it for school and it's helpful. i can screenshot how my animation files/photos/editing looks if that will help you!

i personally use sony vegas pro 13, People use tons of different free programs that i'm sure you can find. apps like krita and clip studio (paid one) have built in animation/storyboarding programs that you can import audio into. i used clip studio's animation program here! i think krita's works similarly, and it's free.

hope that helped a bit :)

Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! I'll def use this
