Resuming coms

Posted 6 months, 20 days ago by SpaceHyena

Hello! So, you might have noticed a lot of noncommission art the past week.

I needed to recharge from a bit of drama plus I got sick.

I will be working on coms again either tonight or tomorrow. Though, for the next month I will only work on coms on my day off due to my job not scheduling to account for the holidays. Retail, amiright?

Of course, if I haven't started your art yet, I will message you when I do. I like doing my owed work in the order it was ordered(or won in the case of raffle art)

This means my normal turnaround time is taking a hit.

Things like raffles will end on schedule. And I will probably post Moorn'tal raffles whenever I need to mentally recharge because drawing the silly things is really relaxing.


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