i really want nitro (i also agreed that if i got it i would make the gif saturn made of my lizard self in a microwave my pfp) 


i can do a custom and some fulls maybe? kinda up to you !!!! im all good with negotiating a good amount

(normal $10 nitro btw, not basic sorry)


I could buy it for you

I would. Literally be so grateful

What would you want in exchange? I can draw feral characters and anthros (although not well) and rain world characters. I can't do humans unfortunately

I can do customs, fulls, ect


i would like just one full, dont undersell yourself !! it would be of ic

no worries at all !!!!!

and okay !!! itll take me a couple days to do it though shsgshd, i have band stuff running late tomorrow and its already getting later tonight

my discord is napkiin, send me a friend rq!! you can unfriend after i send the nitro :3

Okay !!!

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No worries at all do your saving !!!!! Ik there's some super cool stuff you're wanting


i just cant buy it myself