
Hello! As some people know I have experience running games such as DND. However, I am now running a new short- format game inspired by the "Witch Hat Atelier" manga, by Kamome Shirahama. The system is very simple and only uses 2 d6, the system was developed by c0mprehensible on itch.io: https://c0mprehensible.itch.io/witch-hat-adventures 💙💙💙💙💙

You play a Witch apprentice. You will learn to cast wondrous magic spells, make friends with your fellow apprentices, and use your magic to help your community. The twist on typical magical casting is that the only requirement for casting is the ability to draw! In a world where magic *should* be widely accessible, this story is full of morally grey conundrums for a young apprentice learning the ways of the witch. In fact, the essence of a witch is deceit itself. (Having read the manga is not a requirement.)

Time Zone: TBD (will fit mine + players schedules) but I am in CST (GMT -6)
System: Discord call + Witch Hat Adventures. It is a very simple system, but drawing spell sigils may also become a feature.) My 1st time running a non- DND5e system! : )
Maturity Rating: Pretty light hearted, but darker tones / violence / etc. may come up the longer it goes on.
Commitment level:1-shot or 2-shot. [Low commitment] If the stars align and everyone wants it can be extended into a mini-campaign, otherwise I will reset with new players / characters after each round is done.
Other information: 2 players is my goal but 3 is acceptable. This is a roleplay heavy game. Apprentices will be 12 year old children who have either passed 0, 1, or 2 of the witch's trials, so pretty novice level casters. Play time per session is estimated ~ 4 hours but I am flexible on that.


Please feel free to comment questions and PM me here or on discord if you are interested in playing. All are welcome to inquire! (BTW this will be the start of my 2nd round running this game ^^ )