Looking for Characters

Posted 6 months, 22 days ago by CookieCloudss

HI so I know I'm not too active anymore but I'm trying to get back into art (I've done 3 fullbodies recently since regaining the ability to charge my apple pencil so I have a raffle coming up I'll probably be posting on Wednesday and I've already done 2 commissions so...) and I've had this idea for a story I might write. I was thinking about ways to get back into art without relying on commissions and I was thinking about the idea of trying to write a Warrior Cat fanfic again because I never really finished one of those when I was younger, and now I have a plot idea I really enjoy and I need characters for it! If you have any Warrior Cat or realistic cat designs you don't want anymore and would like to donate, please let me know! I can also try and offer art for some but it depends on the design and probably wont be more than a fullbody or two!

Also for people who were keeping up with the Marshies Hunger Games story, I will finish that before I start on this! I just wanted to get the post out there that I was looking for characters just incase there's a chance people actually had any designs they didn't want anymore they wouldn't mind donating!


I could possibly see myself using that last one but I might have to think about it if that's okay?

That's totally cool with me.