I'm Raising My Prices

Posted 6 months, 3 days ago by Kuinabun

So I already said this on twitter / bluesky, and now im going to be posting this onto some of the other major sites ! 

At the beginning of next year (Jan 1, 2024) I'm going to be raising my commission prices. Making this post right now is extremely important to me because even though I'm still a small creator / artist , I want to be transparent with anyone who follows me / admires my work / would like to work with me in the future. I promised myself that I would do this every year as my expertise and skills grow. How much am i going to increase my prices by, im not too sure yet, but im going to study what other artists have done, trends, and what i feel comfortable with and I will decide sometime in december.

 Throughout the years I have tried to slowly increase the price of my services since December of 2020, which is when my account officially became active (my 3 year anniversary's is very very verrryy soon) ! 

 I debated increasing my prices this year at all, but like I said I want to keep the promise i made to myself on my journey to improve in art, and to someday make this a viable + consistent source of income. It is a belief of mine that, artists deserve to be able to do the job that they love, and to at least make a livable wage. To make a living where they can pay rent, and eat at the very least for the month. I believe this about every industry. I make my views clear about artists making a livable wage especially because in the art industry our work is often valued much lower than other careers. At this moment I am not even making a livable wage. To be transparent i make about 3% of my monthly living expenses, not including food. (Looking at data from my art business' earnings, monthly average and monthly bills). 

Sorry if that got a lil boring ,, ur supposed to be reading a silly little post from an artist u follow OTL

 Anyway setting that aside for now, I'd like to thank everyone whose read my message thus far, and who has supported me / decided to support me with your views, with your follows, with your encouraging words, with your engagement and by hiring me.

I am looking forward to improving, growing and becoming a better artist both for those who believe in me, and for myself !

 (Also my birthday is coming up aaaaaaaa im so excited ^^) 

 Everything you can imagine, is real. (includingtheonepieceokgoodnighteveryone) 


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