Leaving Wof/Rebranding

Posted 5 months, 20 days ago by Gigorith

I feel like this has been a long time coming for multiple reasons. This fandom was one of the first that I really connected to that allowed me to grow. To say it was all good, however, would be a lie.

I am making this Bulletin to say that I will be rebranding myself on a new account and taking a step back from Wings of Fire as a whole. I have made mistakes in my time here, and I am taking full accountability for my actions. I have been almost a full year without issues, and even after seeking help for outside problems that affect my behavior online, I am still drawn back in.

The way people obsess over my existence has made me feel extremely uncomfortable and unsafe. I worry for the safety of my friends and family with the behaviors that threaten me. I have already experienced guilt by association with my friends and others and I don't want that to happen anymore.

This account will still stay up. My bases will still be available to be used along with my codes. But I will not be active on this account. My Instagram account will be private and the wof Instagram account I made will be deactivated. I will only keep my normal Account since I have been using it for everything since I made it when I was like, 14. I will be donating the rest of my da points to my friends on my Gigorith account and deactivating that when I pull everything off of it.

For anyone who isn't comfortable with my existing. I am not going to apologize for that. But I will apologize for the events that led up to that.

Till next time, Gig signing off.


I'm sorry you feel this way Gig, I don't know all that's happened but I hope you all the best. You still remain one of the people who truly inspired me, take care and stay safe.