a very insignificant rant

Posted 6 months, 8 days ago by Somebody_1

arghhh i have such bad luck with trying to attend concerts of my favorite bands

2020 my top fave band was gonna come here but canceled bc ofc it was 2020 understandable 

Earlier this year another one of my fave bands was gonna come but canceled because of the venue not being held to standards

and recently i just found out another another one of my fave bands is performing but tickets sold out bc i found out too late


K thanks for reading 


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Oh dang didn’t know that was possible :0 although it was from the venue where I tried to buy tickets but they told me it was sold out so no luck at all ig 😩 but thanks for the advice!
omg that’s so cool you do music. Hope you can get some gigs in the near future 🥳

Aw, condolences.

I've always stayed away from any concerts because of sensory issues, but of course I can understand wishing to see your favorites live.

aaa thanks again for readin <33 yea i hope they come back again dnisnxaxa my fear is that they get too old to perform someday and retire ;;


NAURRRRR THATS THE WORST, what bands??? 😭😭

Green Day back in 2020, recently Weezer and FoB 




AAAA THE PAIN IS SO REAL OTL// it's a whole world of hurt when the band you like rarely ever tours your area so it really is an all or nothing battle getting those ticketsTT 0abc37c9b7e243e757c2fc6ec7ad791a.jpg?ex=

hopefully you're able to see your faves soon BB♡:']

YeA since i live in SEA its so rare for them to come here 🫠 prayin they come back 😩😫thanks bb 😔🫶