Terms of Service

Posted 6 months, 14 days ago by Oat_

This is my Terms of Service for my commissions, adopts, ect.

Please read everything before commissioning me or adopting a character from me.

All payments are to be done through Deviant Art for the time being.

Commissions/YCH TOS:

Do not upload commissioned art without asking me first
If you do upload commissioned art to other sites, please credit me/link back to me in some way

Do not edit commissioned art
If you want something changed, let me know

Do not trace over commissioned art or claim it as your own
Self explanitory

Will draw:
-Semi-Complicated designs
-Ships (OC x OC, OC x Canon, etc.)

Won't draw:
-Super complicated designs

Adopts TOS:

Do not sell for more than you got the adopt for
Unless you have commissioned more art for them

Do not sell the adopts right after you get them
You can gift adopts to people if you ask before you offer

Do not claim my designs as your own
Self explanitory

If redesigning a design of mine, please make sure the character is still recognisable to the original design
At least keep is similar. Otherwise, just make your own character

Unless stated otherwise, all my adopts will be OTA (offer to adopt)
This means you can offer anything on my adopts

Offer preferences:
DA points > art > characters > customs

To confirm you have read the TOS, please paste any flower emoji into your offer or order

Commission TOS also applies to requests which I may sometimes do

Adopt TOS applies to freebies too

Adopts: https://toyhou.se/Oat_/characters/folder:3822207
Commission info: https://www.deviantart.com/oaatsunderscores/shop/commissions
Open YCHs: (N/A)


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