hi everyone, i figured id make a general update now that things have smoothed out but: i got pneumonia again!
and got hospitalized!!!

i got discharged yesterday evening so im at least stable now, but im still very very sick and got a buttload of meds i gotta take for the next week and then a follow-up appointment after a few weeks to make sure im still not pneumonia-pilled. im also a bit of a medical mystery to the doctors because they have 0 clue why i even have pneumonia in the first place much less had to be hospitalized for it (no asthma, no smoking, not elderly, etc etc) so. thats fun!

all this is to say: if you're owed art or were hoping to commission me soon, erm... woops! sorry! gonna be essentially bedridden for awhile so i can recover, im sure yall understand. anyways!! dont be like me, stay healthy and what not. i hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and if youre in finals week, stay strong soldier. ive had to miss all of mine thanks to sickness lol.


sorry to hear you got hit with The Horrors, but happy to have you back !!

I’m happy to hear you we’re able to get discharged, I hope that your recovery goes smooth from here on out!!

OMG im sorry to hear that!! wising you a speesy recovering and get well soon!! T0T

Oh gosh Ez!!!! I hope you feel better really soon! :C Ilusm that sounds terrible! ;o;