Posted 6 months, 6 days ago by PR0XIDE

Hello to all reading this,

If you have somehow not figured it out by now I have been away from ToyHouse. Unfortunately, school has taken a grasp of the majority of my schedule, leaving me barely any time to do art. Right now it is my main focus in life so for this reason, as well as a decline in my mental health, I’ve decided to take an indefinite break from ToyHouse— I am unsure whether I’ll return anytime soon. This

 website, honestly, can drain a lot out of a person. It has so much to offer, DTAs, WTAs, a way to organize ocs, adopts, and TH species. This can lead to a person desiring to do everything at once and leaving them ultimately drained.

If there is any unfinished business you have with me, whether it be wanting one of my adopts (which I believe I privated as of now so you shouldn’t be able to see them in the first place, wanting an art trade, me owing you art or a character, or otherwise, please shoot me an email instead ([email protected]) or a dm on discord (kintorus).


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