
Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by Yukorusshi


This is a closed species!

I will do raffles, auctions and events on my discord server or Twitter sometimes!



They say if you meet one at night....

They say if you're lucky enough to see one painting the sky... then you're a lucky individual.

But if you see one losing a starpiece and you're able to find it, then you'll be forever blessed with good luck.


Their origin is unknown to mankind, they say the Nightchasers just appeared one day.

The legend says that Nightchasers are the bringers of the night- the ones who paint the light blue sky in the color their tail shimmers in.

Nightchasers with a rare color such as red or orange are able to paint the sky in their color, giving mankind a beautiful view of a nightsky.

They are known to live in their own territory- and while they're not hostile towards other of their species, they know when a territory is claimed and usually move on.




1) Galaxy in ears, eyes and tailtips. On rare occassions markings of the Nightchasers can contain their galaxy, too.
The galaxy can only be orange, red, purple, blue or rose colored.
The nightchasers fur usually is in the same color range as the galaxy (for example- the galaxy is red or purple so the fur is pink, reddish)
Only rares or legendaries can have colors not based on their galaxy.
Stars can only be white or light yellow.

2) Eartips are usually fluffy, can change on rare occassions though.

3) Nightchasers usually have 1 set of wings placed at the lower side of their back. They don't fly by those, so their size has no real effect.
Rares and legendaries may have no wings or up to 8 wings at once (4 sets, 1 at the head, 2 at the upper back and the usual lower back ones)

4) All Nightchasers have one claw- usually the middle one- to cling to and sleep on trees. Otherwise they float aimlessly through the air while they nap.

5) Nightchasers have 2 tails.
Rares and legendaries can have either only 1 or up to 3 at once.

6) They all have some fluff on their back which connects from the back of their head to the base of their tail.


Rares and Legendary varieties


Rares and Legendaries usually have some special traits, such as horns/antlers, more eyes (max 5 total), more wings or more tails.
They also can have different colors than their galaxy- while common Nightchasers don't have these.

Rares can only either contain some of the traits or the color differences. They won't ever have both.

Legendaries can have both the color difference and some of the traits.

Some legendaries have a lot of the traits, making them an angelic legendary. They often have horns or antlers holding a star inbetween or nearby.
Stars don't necessarily have to be held by the above, crowns, pendants, other accessories or even stuff like halos can hold stars and would still make them angelic!


May come soon- Weatherchasers. A variant/subspecies of the Nightchasers.
Day and dawn/dusk chasers?? Hmmm


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