Experimental chibis -CLOSED-

Posted 5 months, 27 days ago by XUWVA

Feeling so motivated to draw this month I cant help but open more comms :"·3 Feel free to ask anything! 

Experimental Chibis




1 taken
2 taken
3 taken


Hi!! If it's left a slot open could I claim it? If not no problem! ><

Ofc!! you can send me a note if you want! :·3 

Hello~ May I claim a slot too ?

Ofc~ you can send me a dm with all your character's info! Please take your time, no rush :•3 thank you so much for commissioning me!

HAIS id like to grab a slot 

OFC!!! Please take your time sending me all your character info in a Dm, thank you so much for commissioning me! 🥺❤️

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Awww thank you so much!! 🥺 I've never had a ko-fi but i've been thinking of making one in the future! :•3