
Hi everyone !!

     Long fic commissions are closed for the remainder of the year, my only open pieces being Drabble Gachas (8+USD PWYW!) Still, I wanted to update everyone with two bits of info regarding my writing commissions:

     I'm starting a "You Have Great Tase" Discount !! Also called the "Confetti's hyperfixation discount" LOL, which entails the following:

     " Every time someone reaches out in the hopes of commissioning something I am personally really invested in, a discount will be applied as a thank you! This includes but isn't limited to: prompts I've been meaning to write (HERE), fandoms I am currently obsessed with, or ships that I owe my soul and firstborn child to. Writing commissions is something I do to both pay some of the bills and have fun, so if you help me do both, I will make sure it is worth your while!!  THANK YOU for indulging me with things I want to write, and giving me an outlet for it. "

     This discount entails of 5USD+ OFF whatever amount you commission Besides that, I will write for as long as the piece brings me joy, wordcount be dammed !! Expect a big chunky fic to read if you really appeal to me hyperfixations HAHAHA. It turns into writing for fun and I'm SO GRATEFUL you've allowed me the opportunity to do so <3

     Some prompts might have specific limitations on wordcount, but all will be explained in that one tab I mentioned. If you're interested in having something written, feel free to check it out. Who knows? Maybe our hyperfixations match!!!

My way of pricing fics is changing from now on!! 

     I've realized that, when it comes to one shots,  being a writer who prides himself in being open to any fandom and any OC, the amount of research I do depends on how long a piece is. If, for example, a person requests a 500 word drabble to an oc ship, my research of that ship will be minimal. If it is a 3k one-shot instead, I will spend a long time making sure that the characters and their world match, I will do up to four or five drafts. 

     Besides from that, those who have ordered a piece from me know I am notorious for writing more than I was asked to do LMAO. Which is something I also pride myself in and will not change ! When buying a wordcount from me, you are buying a minimum, not a maximum. I don't want a good story to be limited to me struggling to erase paragraphs to fit an arbitrary range, especially if your characters' development through it would suffer because of it!!

     To make sure my time is worth my writing, my pricing's rate up is now fixed PER 500 words instead of +5USD per 500 words. Here's what that looks like:

Now, every 100 words is 2USD:

 500 words: 1-2 pages of a PDF document, letter size 12

Minimum WordcountDecember 2023 PricingMinimum WordcountJanuary 2024 Pricing

     This pricing is based on the time I spend per wordcount !! The minimum wage in my state is around 16USD. A 1000 word fic, around 2-4 pages, takes me about half an hour to prep and outline, then an hour start to finish to write (an hour and a half of work for 20USD) less than minimum wage still but totally doable and enjoyable for me!! 

     With my current pricing (2k for 30usd) I'm only getting 10USD extra for double the work, and that is no longer viable, especially if I write another page or two to finish up the story and that ends up being like 10+ pages for 30USD (around four+ hours of work for almost two hours of pay :,) and that doesn't include me posting, replying to messages, doing corrections and cleaning drafts )

     Your boy needs to eat HAHAHAHA. Consider tipping if you can xoxo

     Anyways, consider this your notice!! Drabble and letter rates might change as well, but the rate up will be less. Meanwhile, my gacha drabbles are only 8USD, and PWYW basis!! Will upcharge to 9 or 10USD January so get them while they're hot!!

Drabbles and HCs are and will always be my cheapest options!!  <3
There will always be 5-15 USD tiers for those who want a little treat instead of a longer one-shot format!!!
I wanna keep my writing both accessible to you and also doable for me haha

That is all for now. Thank you everyone for understanding and supporting me, love y'all!!


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