i’m rioting

Posted 6 months, 20 hours ago by drinkmyblood

this fucking website sucks, saul did not deserve that.

i’m so mad rn it’s not funny


literally sorry for being a little rule book thumper but like even the TH admins cant even follow their own rules on their fuckin website LOL


"Regarding Canon-Inspired Characters

We allow canon-inspired characters specifically where it's clear they're an original character who has been inspired by the canon content, rather than AU fanart and fanfic of a canon character. As long as your character has their own name, and a profile/design that reflects they're intended to be individual from the canon character and are not literally the canon character, they should be fine to upload. Adding some background to the character's profile to explain who they are will help a lot to ensure they don't get mixed up.

Don't advertise these as for sale or trade on-site.

We do not moderate visual similarities, but we reserve the right to take down profiles we believe have been made in bad faith. Please do not upload fanart of a canon character with a few letters of their name changed and a copy pasted profile.".

then why did saul get taken down when he was none of those red flags

i swear u can making cbc iirc, u just cant sell them?? i think 

(bc i get bored and reread the th guide lines way to often..)

NO FR? toyhouse is the worst at moderating what's canon characters and what's cbcs its so ANNOYINGGGG... I think regarding character storage sites toyhouse is the absolute worst with cbcs I haven't seen people complain about other sites taking theirs down so
one of my cbcs got taken down a while ago I was mad too so its completely understandable to be mad rn

I'm sorry to hear that Saul got taken down I love his design... he truly did not deserve that Justice for Saul goodnya

thank you and i’m so sorry to hear that, like what is wrong with toyhouse

Yeah this stupid stuff needs to stop.